Standard post published to Dr. Lanna Aesthetics at June 14, 2024 16:01

Botox in NYC: Allergic? Dr. Lanna Has You Covered

Concerned about allergies or sensitivities to Botox? Dr. Lanna at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics in NYC prioritizes your safety and well-being, ensuring a comfortable and personalized experience for everyone.

Botox is generally safe, but some individuals may have allergies or sensitivities to its ingredients. If you have a history of allergic reactions, Dr. Lanna takes extra precautions:

1. Comprehensive Consultation: Before any treatment, Dr. Lanna conducts a thorough consultation to review your medical history, including any allergies or sensitivities.

2. Allergy Testing: If necessary, Dr. Lanna may recommend allergy testing to determine if you have a specific sensitivity to Botox or its components.

3. Alternative Treatments: If Botox is not suitable due to allergies or sensitivities, Dr. Lanna will discuss alternative treatment options that can address your concerns without triggering a reaction.

4. Ongoing Monitoring: During and after your Botox treatment, Dr. Lanna will closely monitor your response and address any concerns promptly.

At Dr. Lanna Aesthetics, we believe in personalized care and patient-centered treatment plans. Your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities. If you have concerns about allergies or sensitivities to Botox, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lanna. She’ll provide expert guidance and create a tailored plan that caters to your unique needs.

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Offer post published to Dr. Lanna Aesthetics at June 12, 2024 16:00

We understand that concerns about discomfort can be a factor when considering lip fillers. At Dr. Lanna Aesthetics, your comfort is our priority. Here’s how we minimize any potential pain:

– Topical Numbing: We thoroughly apply a strong topical anesthetic cream to numb the lip area before any injections.

– Lidocaine in the Filler: Most lip fillers contain lidocaine, a numbing agent that further minimizes discomfort during the procedure.

– Dental Blocks (If Needed): For patients with heightened sensitivity, Dr. Lanna may offer a dental block, which provides a deeper level of numbing.

– Personalized Approach: We tailor our pain management techniques based on your individual needs and preferences.

– Open Communication: Feel free to express any concerns you have. Dr. Lanna will work with you to ensure a comfortable experience.

Don’t let fear of pain hold you back from achieving the lips you desire. At our New York City med spa, we’re committed to making your lip filler journey as smooth and comfortable as possible.

Event post published to Dr. Lanna Aesthetics at June 10, 2024 16:00

Want to minimize bruising and swelling after your lip filler appointment? Pre-care makes a difference! At Dr. Lanna Aesthetics, we provide detailed instructions to help you achieve the smoothest experience possible.

Here are some key tips:

– Avoid Blood Thinners: Steer clear of supplements like fish oil, vitamin E, and medications like aspirin and ibuprofen for several days before your treatment, if medically safe to do so.

– Say No to Alcohol: Skip alcohol for at least 24 hours beforehand, as it can increase bruising.

– Hydrate!: Focus on staying hydrated in the days leading up to your appointment.

– Arnica Power: Consider starting arnica montana supplements a few days prior to help reduce bruising (consult your doctor first).

– Open Communication: Dr. Lanna will provide a comprehensive list of pre-care instructions and discuss any medications you take.

We want you to feel confident and comfortable throughout your lip filler journey at our New York City med spa. Following these simple steps helps ensure the best possible results and a quick recovery!

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Standard post published to Dr. Lanna Aesthetics at June 07, 2024 16:00

Lip Fillers: Finding the Perfect Formula at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics

Choosing the right lip filler is crucial for achieving the look you want. At Dr. Lanna Aesthetics, we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Here’s how we personalize your treatment:

– Your Goals Come First: Whether you want subtle volume, enhanced definition, or a bolder pout, Dr. Lanna will listen carefully to understand your vision.

– Assessing Your Lips: We analyze factors like your natural lip shape, tissue structure, and desired level of softness.

– The Latest Innovations: Dr. Lanna stays up-to-date on the newest filler formulations, including those designed for natural-looking results and flexibility.

– A Range of Options: Our New York City med spa offers various premium fillers so we can find the perfect match for your needs.

Your lip filler should complement your features and move naturally with your expressions. Dr. Lanna’s expertise and our diverse product selection ensure we can create a beautiful, personalized outcome. Let’s explore the possibilities!

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Offer post published to Dr. Lanna Aesthetics at June 05, 2024 16:00

Your happiness with your lip filler results is our top priority at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics. We understand that cosmetic procedures can be an investment, and we want to ensure you feel confident in your decision.

Here’s our commitment to you:

– Open Communication: We encourage honest feedback throughout your treatment journey, especially after your initial lip filler session.

– Dissolving Option: If you’re truly unsatisfied, Dr. Lanna may offer to safely dissolve the filler free of charge, depending on the situation.

– Tailored Adjustments: In some cases, minor tweaks or additional filler may be the best solution for achieving your desired look. We’ll discuss this option with you transparently.

– Our Goal: Ultimately, we strive to find a solution that leaves you feeling happy and confident about your lips.

While individual results can vary, our New York City med spa is dedicated to working with you to achieve your aesthetic goals. Let’s discuss your expectations and our policies in more detail during your consultation.

Event post published to Dr. Lanna Aesthetics at June 03, 2024 16:00

Interested in lip fillers but want to see what’s possible for someone with your unique lips? At Dr. Lanna Aesthetics, we get it! Seeing realistic examples is crucial for envisioning your own results.

That’s why we offer:

– Personalized Portfolio: Dr. Lanna maintains a collection of before-and-after photos showcasing her work on various lip shapes and sizes.

– Finding Your Match: During your consultation, we’ll discuss your goals and find examples of patients with lips similar to yours.

– Realistic Expectations: Our photos depict results typically achieved with filler, giving you a clear understanding of potential outcomes.

– Beyond the Photos: Dr. Lanna will analyze your lip anatomy and explain how filler can create the look you desire.

– Confident Decisions: Seeing real-life transformations empowers you to make an informed decision about lip enhancement.

Don’t settle for generic images! Experience the difference of a med spa in New York City that prioritizes transparency and personalized results. Let Dr. Lanna Aesthetics show you the possibilities!

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Standard post published to Dr. Lanna Aesthetics at May 31, 2024 16:00

Lip Fillers: Expert Techniques at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics

Achieving beautiful, balanced lips with filler is about both the product and the technique. At Dr. Lanna Aesthetics, we prioritize precision and customization for stunning, natural-looking results.

Here’s how we approach lip filler injections:

– Tools Matter: Dr. Lanna may use a combination of needles and cannulas (tiny, flexible tubes) depending on your goals and lip anatomy. This allows for versatility and safety.

– Targeted Approach: We strategically target specific areas like the vermillion border (lip outline), cupid’s bow, and the body of the lips for customized shaping and volume.

– Symmetry is Key: Careful placement and meticulous attention to detail ensure an even, symmetrical outcome that complements your features.

– Experience Makes a Difference: Dr. Lanna’s expertise in facial anatomy and aesthetic techniques translates to beautiful, harmonious lip enhancements.

At our New York City med spa, it’s not just about the filler–it’s about the skill behind it. Let Dr. Lanna Aesthetics help you achieve the lips you’ve always wanted with our personalized and expert approach.

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Offer post published to Dr. Lanna Aesthetics at May 29, 2024 16:01

Considering lip fillers but want a natural, customized look? Dr. Lanna Aesthetics knows a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for everyone when it comes to enhancing your lips.

That’s why we offer a personalized approach:

– Typical Starting Point: Most patients at our New York City med spa begin with 0.5ml or 1ml of filler, depending on desired results.

– Gradual is Great! Absolutely! Starting with a smaller amount and gradually building up in subsequent appointments is a safe and effective way to achieve your ideal lip volume.

– Your Goals Matter: During your consultation, Dr. Lanna will discuss your aesthetic vision and create a tailored plan.

– It’s Reversible: If you’re unsure, rest assured that hyaluronic acid fillers used in the lips can be dissolved if needed.

At Dr. Lanna Aesthetics, we believe in enhancing your natural beauty, not drastically altering it. Experience the difference a patient-centered approach makes – let’s craft the perfect lips for you!

Event post published to Dr. Lanna Aesthetics at May 27, 2024 16:00

Curious about the long-term benefits of Botox? At Dr. Lanna Aesthetics, we’ve witnessed how consistent treatments can make a real difference for our New York City patients.

Here’s what you should know:

– Improved Longevity: With regular Botox sessions, some patients see results lasting longer – sometimes even exceeding the typical 3-4 month mark.

– Why It Happens: Over time, the muscles targeted by Botox may become trained to relax, extending the effects.

– Personalized Plan: Dr. Lanna will recommend an injection schedule based on your needs and how your results evolve.

– No Hard Maximum: While safety is paramount, there’s no strict limit on how many Botox treatments you can have. Dr. Lanna will monitor your response and goals.

The potential for longer-lasting results is an exciting bonus of Botox. Our tailored approach will help you get the most from your treatments while prioritizing a natural, refreshed look. Experience the difference that consistency and expertise can make at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics.

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Standard post published to Dr. Lanna Aesthetics at May 24, 2024 16:00

Botox Expertise: Physician-Led Care at Dr. Lanna Aesthetics

When considering Botox, it’s natural to ask about doctor involvement. At Dr. Lanna Aesthetics, your safety and results are our top priority. Here’s what sets us apart:

– Dr. Lanna’s Leadership: Dr. Lanna, a skilled physician, directly oversees our New York City med spa. She establishes all Botox treatment protocols and ensures our team adheres to the highest medical standards.

– Physician-Guided Approach: While Botox injections may be performed by experienced aesthetic professionals, Dr. Lanna maintains close oversight. She provides ongoing training and is available for consultation as needed.

– The Best of Both Worlds: This model combines Dr. Lanna’s expertise with the personalized attention of skilled aestheticians.

– Safety First: All our staff are meticulously trained in safe injection techniques and follow rigorous protocols.

Don’t compromise when it comes to your Botox experience. At Dr. Lanna Aesthetics, physician-led care means you can feel confident in both the quality of your treatment and the focus on your safety.

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